REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Clarendon
Town Type of Area Parish
Aenon Town RUR Clarendon
(The) Alley RUR Clarendon
Allison RUR Clarendon
Alston RUR Clarendon
Arthurs Seat RUR Clarendon
Baillieston RUR Clarendon
Banks RUR Clarendon
Beckford Kraal RUR Clarendon
Birds Hill RUR Clarendon
Bog RUR Clarendon
Bombay RUR Clarendon
Bowens REG Clarendon
Brandon Hill RUR Clarendon
British RUR Clarendon
Brokenbank RUR Clarendon
Carlisle Bay RUR Clarendon
Chapelton RUR Clarendon
Cheapside RUR Clarendon
Clarendon Park REG Clarendon
Cocoa Piece RUR Clarendon
Colonels Ridge RUR Clarendon
Comfort Village REG Clarendon
Content Village REG Clarendon
Cooks Gate REG Clarendon
Corner Shop RUR Clarendon
Crawle RUR Clarendon
Crofts Hill RUR Clarendon
Crooked River RUR Clarendon
Cumberland RUR Clarendon
Curatoe Hill REG Clarendon
Danks RUR Clarendon
Dawkins Pen RUR Clarendon
Denbigh REG Clarendon
Four Paths RUR Clarendon
Four Paths REG Clarendon
Frankfield RUR Clarendon
Freetown REG Clarendon
Gimme-me-bit RUR Clarendon
Grantham RUR Clarendon
Gravel Hill RUR Clarendon
Halse Hall RUR Clarendon
Hayes REG Clarendon
Hopewell RUR Clarendon
James Hill RUR Clarendon
Johns Hall RUR Clarendon
Kellits RUR Clarendon
Kemps Hill RUR Clarendon
Kupuis RUR Clarendon
Lionel Town RUR Clarendon
Longwood RUR Clarendon
Lookout RUR Clarendon
Macknie RUR Clarendon
Main Ridge RUR Clarendon
Mason River RUR Clarendon
May Pen REG Clarendon
Milk River RUR Clarendon
Mineral Heights REG Clarendon
Mitchell Town RUR Clarendon
Mocho REM Clarendon
Moores RUR Clarendon
Morgans RUR Clarendon
Morgans Pass RUR Clarendon
New Longville RUR Clarendon
New Yarmouth RUR Clarendon
Nine Turns RUR Clarendon
Oaks RUR Clarendon
Osbourne Store REG Clarendon
Paisley REG Clarendon
Palmers (Cross) REG Clarendon
Parnassus REG Clarendon
Pedro River RUR Clarendon
Pennants RUR Clarendon
Pleasant Valley RUR Clarendon
Portland Point RUR Clarendon
Race Course RUR Clarendon
Raymonds RUR Clarendon
Reckford RUR Clarendon
Red Ground REG Clarendon
Rest RUR Clarendon
Richmond Park RUR Clarendon
Rock REG Clarendon
Rock River RUR Clarendon
Rocky Point RUR Clarendon
Salt River RUR Clarendon
Sandy Bay REG Clarendon
Sandy Gully REG Clarendon
Sanguinetti RUR Clarendon
Scott's Pass RUR Clarendon
Scott's Pass [Main Road] RUR Clarendon
Sedge Pond RUR Clarendon
Sevens RUR Clarendon
Sheep Pen Hill RUR Clarendon
Spaldings REG Clarendon
Spring Plain RUR Clarendon
St. Jago REG Clarendon
Stacyville RUR Clarendon
Stewarton RUR Clarendon
Summerfield RUR Clarendon
Suttons RUR Clarendon
Teak Pen RUR Clarendon
Thompson Town REM Clarendon
Toll Gate RUR Clarendon
Trout Hall RUR Clarendon
Tweedside RUR Clarendon
Water Lane RUR Clarendon
Weslyan Gully RUR Clarendon
West Harbour RUR Clarendon
White Shop REG Clarendon
Whitney Turn REG Clarendon
Woodhall RUR Clarendon
York Town REG Clarendon


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Catherine
Town Type of Area Parish
Above Rocks REM St. Catherine
Angels REG St. Catherine
Barry RUR St. Catherine
Bartons RUR St. Catherine
Bellas Gate RUR St. Catherine
Benbow RUR St. Catherine
Bermaddy REG St. Catherine
Bernard Lodge REG St. Catherine
Bog Walk REG St. Catherine
Braeton REG St. Catherine
Bridgeport REG St. Catherine
Bushy Park REG St. Catherine
Byles REG St. Catherine
Caymanas REG St. Catherine
Caymanas Bay REG St. Catherine
Central Village REG St. Catherine
Christian Pen REG St. Catherine
Church Pen REG St. Catherine
Cockpit REG St. Catherine
Colbeck REG St. Catherine
Content REG St. Catherine
Cumberland REG St. Catherine
Darling Spring RUR St. Catherine
Dover Castle REG St. Catherine
Duxes RUR St. Catherine
Edgewater REG St. Catherine
Edward Piece REG St. Catherine
Eltham * REG St. Catherine
Ensom * REG St. Catherine
Ewarton REG St. Catherine
Ferry REG St. Catherine
Friendship REG St. Catherine
Garveymeade REG St. Catherine
Ginger Ridge RUR St. Catherine
Glade REG St. Catherine
Glengoffe RUR St. Catherine
Gordon Hill RUR St. Catherine
Gordon Pen REG St. Catherine
Grange Lane REG St. Catherine
Greater Portmore REG St. Catherine
Green Acres REG St. Catherine
Greendale REG St. Catherine
Gregory Park REG St. Catherine
Guanaboa Vale RUR St. Catherine
Gutters REG St. Catherine
Guys Hill RUR St. Catherine
Ham Walk RUR St. Catherine
Hampton Green REG St. Catherine
Harewood RUR St. Catherine
Harkers Hall RUR St. Catherine
Hellshire REG St. Catherine
Independence City REG St. Catherine
Jackson RUR St. Catherine
Kensington RUR St. Catherine
Keystone REG St. Catherine
Kitson Town RUR St. Catherine
Lazaretto REG St. Catherine
Lime Tree Grove REG St. Catherine
Linstead REG St. Catherine
Lluidas Vale REG St. Catherine
Longville Park REG St. Catherine
Lucky Hill RUR St. Catherine
Macca Tree RUR St. Catherine
Marlie Hill RUR St. Catherine
McCooks Pen REG St. Catherine
Mendez Hill RUR St. Catherine
Naggo's Head REG St. Catherine
New Works REG St. Catherine
Newlands REG St. Catherine
Old Harbour REG St. Catherine
Old Harbour Bay REG St. Catherine
Passage Fort REG St. Catherine
Point Hill RUR St. Catherine
Port Henderson REG St. Catherine
Portmore REG St. Catherine
Portsmouth REG St. Catherine
Rio Magno RUR St. Catherine
Riversdale REG St. Catherine
Roaring River RUR St. Catherine
Simons RUR St. Catherine
Sligoville RUR St. Catherine
Spanish Town REG St. Catherine
Spring Garden REG St. Catherine
Spring Village REG St. Catherine
Stanberry Grove RUR St. Catherine
Thompson Pen REG St. Catherine
Time & Patience REG St. Catherine
Treadways REG St. Catherine
Troja REM St. Catherine
Tulloch REG St. Catherine
Twickenham Park REG St. Catherine
Wakefield REG St. Catherine
Waterford REG St. Catherine
Watermount RUR St. Catherine
Westchester REG St. Catherine
Westmeade REG St. Catherine
White Marl REG St. Catherine
Windsor Park REG St. Catherine
Worthy Park REG St. Catherine


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Portland
Town Type of Area Parish
Alligator Church RUR Portland
Anchovy RUR Portland
Anchovy REG Portland
Balcarres RUR Portland
Bangor Ridge RUR Portland
Belvedere REG Portland
Berridale RUR Portland
Black Hill REG Portland
Boston (Bay) RUR Portland
Breastworks REG Portland
Bryans Bay REG Portland
Buff Bay REG Portland
Burlington REG Portland
Bybrook REM Portland
Caenwood REG Portland
Cascade REM Portland
Cashew Ridge REG Portland
Cedar Valley REM Portland
Charles Town REG Portland
Chelsea REG Portland
Chepstowe RUR Portland
Comfort Castle RUR Portland
Cornwall Barracks REM Portland
Craigmill REG Portland
Cuffie Head REG Portland
Darley REG Portland
Drapers REG Portland
Durham REG Portland
Ecclesdown RUR Portland
Fair Prospect RUR Portland
Fairy Hill RUR Portland
Fellowship RUR Portland
Fruitful Vale REM Portland
Green Hill REM Portland
Hagley Gap REM Portland
Haining RUR Portland
Happy Grove RUR Portland
Hart Hill REG Portland
Hectors River RUR Portland
Hope Bay REG Portland
Islington RUR Portland
Kensington RUR Portland
Long Bay RUR Portland
Long Road RUR Portland
Maidstone REG Portland
Manchioneal RUR Portland
Moore Town REM Portland
Mullet Hall REG Portland
Nonsuch REG Portland
Norwich REG Portland
Orange Bay REG Portland
Port Antonio REG Portland
Priestmans River RUR Portland
Prospect RUR Portland
Reich REM Portland
Rio Grande Valley RUR Portland
Rock Hall REG Portland
Rural Hill RUR Portland
Scotts Run RUR Portland
Section REM Portland
Sherwood Forest RUR Portland
Shrewsbury RUR Portland
Silver Hill REM Portland
Skibo REG Portland
Snow Hill REG Portland
Spring Hill REM Portland
St. Margaret's Bay REG Portland
Swift River RUR Portland
Windsor RUR Portland
Windsor Castle REG Portland
Windsor Forest RUR Portland
Ythanside RUR Portland
Zion Hill RUR Portland


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Mary
Town Type of Area Parish
Albany REG St. Mary
Annotto Bay REG St. Mary
Aqualta Vale REG St. Mary
Bailey's Vale REG St. Mary
Belfield REG St. Mary
Bonny Gate REM St. Mary
Border RUR St. Mary
Boscobel REG St. Mary
Brainerd REG St. Mary
Broadgate REG St. Mary
Camberwell REM St. Mary
Carron Hall RUR St. Mary
Castle Mine REM St. Mary
Castleton REG St. Mary
Charles Town RUR St. Mary
Chovey REG St. Mary
Clermont REG St. Mary
Clonmel REG St. Mary
Comfort Valley REM St. Mary
Content RUR St. Mary
Cuffy Gully REG St. Mary
Deans Pen REG St. Mary
Devon Pen REG St. Mary
Don Christopher's Point RUR St. Mary
Dressekie RUR St. Mary
Elgin Town RUR St. Mary
Enfield REM St. Mary
Epsom REG St. Mary
Fellowship Hall RUR St. Mary
Flint River REG St. Mary
Fort George REM St. Mary
Fort Stewart REM St. Mary
Frankfort REG St. Mary
Freehill RUR St. Mary
Galina RUR St. Mary
Gayle RUR St. Mary
Golden Grove REG St. Mary
Goshen RUR St. Mary
Grants Town REG St. Mary
Green Castle RUR St. Mary
Halifax RUR St. Mary
Hampstead RUR St. Mary
Harmony Hall REG St. Mary
Heywood Hall REG St. Mary
Highgate REG St. Mary
Huddersfield REG St. Mary
Islington RUR St. Mary
Iter Boreale REG St. Mary
Jacks River RUR St. Mary
Jackson RUR St. Mary
Jeffrey Town RUR St. Mary
Labrynth RUR St. Mary
Lambkin Hill RUR St. Mary
Langley REG St. Mary
Lebanon RUR St. Mary
Leinster REG St. Mary
Lewis Store RUR St. Mary
Llanrumney REG St. Mary
Long Road REG St. Mary
Lucky Hill REM St. Mary
Maiden Hall RUR St. Mary
Mango Valley RUR St. Mary
Martins REG St. Mary
Ocean Ridge REG St. Mary
Oracabessa REG St. Mary
Paggee Point REG St. Mary
Palmetto Grove REG St. Mary
Pear Tree Grove REG St. Mary
Pembroke Hall RUR St. Mary
Pimento Walk REG St. Mary
Platfield REG St. Mary
Port Maria REG St. Mary
Preston Hill REG St. Mary
Prospect (Plantation ) REG St. Mary
Quebec REG St. Mary
Redwood RUR St. Mary
Retreat RUR St. Mary
Richmond REG St. Mary
Roadside RUR St. Mary
Rock River REG St. Mary
Salt Gut REG St. Mary
Sandside REG St. Mary
Scotts Hall REG St. Mary
Silver Spring REM St. Mary
Stewart Town REG St. Mary
Tower Isle REG St. Mary
Union Hill RUR St. Mary
Wag Water (Valley) REG St. Mary
Wallingford RUR St. Mary
Whitehall REG St. Mary
Windsor Castle RUR St. Mary


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Thomas
Town Type of Area Parish
Aeolus Valley REG St. Thomas
Airy Castle RUR St. Thomas
Albion REG St. Thomas
Amity Hall RUR St. Thomas
Arcadia RUR St. Thomas
Bachelor's Hall RUR St. Thomas
Barking Lodge RUR St. Thomas
Bath RUR St. Thomas
Belfast REG St. Thomas
Belvedere REG St. Thomas
Bowden RUR St. Thomas
Bull Bay REG St. Thomas
Cedar Valley RUR St. Thomas
Church Corner REG St. Thomas
Coley RUR St. Thomas
Dalvey RUR St. Thomas
Danvers Pen RUR St. Thomas
Duckenfield (Hall) RUR St. Thomas
Easington RUR St. Thomas
Eleven Mile REG St. Thomas
Font Hill MRUR St. Thomas
Fourteen Mile REG St. Thomas
Golden Grove RUR St. Thomas
Grants Pen REG St. Thomas
Green Wall REG St. Thomas
Hall Head RUR St. Thomas
Hampton Court RUR St. Thomas
Harbour Head REG St. Thomas
Hayfield MRUR St. Thomas
Heartease REG St. Thomas
Hillside RUR St. Thomas
Hordley RUR St. Thomas
Johns Town REG St. Thomas
Leith Hall REG St. Thomas
Llandewey RUR St. Thomas
Lloyds REG St. Thomas
Lyssons REG St. Thomas
Middleton RUR St. Thomas
Morant REG St. Thomas
Morant Bay REG St. Thomas
Morant Point MRUR St. Thomas
Needham Pen RUR St. Thomas
Ness Castle MRUR St. Thomas
New Monklands RUR St. Thomas
New Pera RUR St. Thomas
Newstead REG St. Thomas
Norris REG St. Thomas
Old Pera RUR St. Thomas
Pear Tree River RUR St. Thomas
Philipsfield RUR St. Thomas
Pomfret REG St. Thomas
Poor Man's Corner REG St. Thomas
Port Morant REG St. Thomas
Prospect REG St. Thomas
Ramble RUR St. Thomas
Retreat REG St. Thomas
Rocky Point RUR St. Thomas
Rowlandsfield MRUR St. Thomas
Seaforth RUR St. Thomas
Serge Island RUR St. Thomas
Somerset MRUR St. Thomas
Spring Garden RUR St. Thomas
Stokes Hall RUR St. Thomas
Sunning Hill RUR St. Thomas
Trinity Ville RUR St. Thomas
Wheelerfield RUR St. Thomas
White Horses REG St. Thomas
Whitehall RUR St. Thomas
Wilmington RUR St. Thomas
Yallahs REG St. Thomas


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Andrew
Town Type of Area Parish
Acadia REG St. Andrew
Armour Heights REG St. Andrew
Arnette Gardens REG St. Andrew
August Town REG St. Andrew
Barbican REG St. Andrew
Bayview REG St. Andrew
Belvedere REG St. Andrew
Brandon Hill RUR St. Andrew
Camperdown REG St. Andrew
Cedar Valley REG St. Andrew
Cherry Gardens REG St. Andrew
Clydesdale REM St. Andrew
Coakley RUR St. Andrew
Constant Spring REG St. Andrew
Coopers Hill RUR St. Andrew
Copacabana REG St. Andrew
Craigton RUR St. Andrew
Cross Roads REG St. Andrew
Cypress Hall REG St. Andrew
Dallas REM St. Andrew
Duhaney Park REG St. Andrew
Dunrobin REG St. Andrew
Eastwood Park REG St. Andrew
Eight Mile REG St. Andrew
Forest Hills REG St. Andrew
Golden River REM St. Andrew
Golden Spring [Main Road] REG St. Andrew
Golden Spring RUR St. Andrew
Greenwich Town REG St. Andrew
Guava Ridge REM St. Andrew
Half Way Tree REG St. Andrew
Harbour View REG St. Andrew
Havendale REG St. Andrew
Hope Pastures REG St. Andrew
Hughenden REG St. Andrew
Irish Town RUR St. Andrew
Jones Town REG St. Andrew
Kirkland Heights REG St. Andrew
Lawrence Tavern RUR St. Andrew
Leas Flat REG St. Andrew
Liguanea REG St. Andrew
Mannings Hill REG St. Andrew
Manor Park REG St. Andrew
Marverley REG St. Andrew
Maryland RUR St. Andrew
Mavis Bank REM St. Andrew
Maxfield Park REG St. Andrew
Meadowbrook REG St. Andrew
Molynes (Gardens) REG St. Andrew
Mona REG St. Andrew
Mount Charles RUR St. Andrew
Mount James RUR St. Andrew
Mount Zion RUR St. Andrew
Mountain View REG St. Andrew
Nannyville REG St. Andrew
Nanse Pen REG St. Andrew
New Haven REG St. Andrew
New Kingston REG St. Andrew
Newcastle REM St. Andrew
Newport West REG St. Andrew
Nine Mile REG St. Andrew
Norbrook REG St. Andrew
Padmore REG St. Andrew
Papine REG St. Andrew
Park(e)s Road RUR St. Andrew
Patrick City REG St. Andrew
Pembroke Hall REG St. Andrew
Plantation Heights REG St. Andrew
Queensbury REG St. Andrew
Red Hills REG St. Andrew
Rest Haven REG St. Andrew
Richmond Park REG St. Andrew
Riverton REG St. Andrew
Rock Hall RUR St. Andrew
Rockfort REG St. Andrew
Rose Town REG St. Andrew
Seaview (Gardens) REG St. Andrew
Seven Mile REG St. Andrew
Shooters Hill REG St. Andrew
Shortwood REG St. Andrew
Smokey Vale REG St. Andrew
St. Christopher REG St. Andrew
St. Peters REM St. Andrew
Sterling Castle REG St. Andrew
Stony Hill [Main Road] REG St. Andrew
Stony Hill RUR St. Andrew
Strawberry Hills RUR St. Andrew
Temple Hall RUR St. Andrew
Three Miles REG St. Andrew
Tower Hill REG St. Andrew
Trafalgar Park REG St. Andrew
Trench Town REG St. Andrew
Unity RUR St. Andrew
Washington Gardens REG St. Andrew
Whitfield Town REG St. Andrew
Whitehall REG St. Andrew
Wickie Wackie REG St. Andrew
Wilton Gardens REG St. Andrew
Woodford REM St. Andrew
Ziadie Gardens REG St. Andrew


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Kingston
Town Type of Area Parish
D'Aguilar Town REG Kingston
Denham Town REG Kingston
Eden Gardens REG Kingston
Franklyn Town REG Kingston
Gordon Town REG Kingston
Hannah Town REG Kingston
Kingston REG Kingston
Kingston Downtown REG Kingston
Kingston Gardens REG Kingston
Manley Meadows REG Kingston
Newport East REG Kingston
Norman Gardens REG Kingston
Palisadoes REG Kingston
Passmore Town REG Kingston
Port Royal RUR Kingston
Rae Town REG Kingston
Rennock Lodge REG Kingston
Rollington Town REG Kingston
Six Miles REG Kingston
Tivoli Gardens REG Kingston
Vineyard Town REG Kingston


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Ann
Town Type of Area Parish
Aboukir REM St. Ann
Albion RUR St. Ann
Alderton RUR St. Ann
Alexandria RUR St. Ann
Bamboo RUR St. Ann
Battersea REM St. Ann
Beechamville RUR St. Ann
Beecher Town RUR St. Ann
Bensonton RUR St. Ann
Blackstonedge RUR St. Ann
Bohemia REM St. Ann
Borobridge RUR St. Ann
Breadnut Hill REG St. Ann
Brittonville RUR St. Ann
Brown's Town REG St. Ann
Calderwood REM St. Ann
Camperdown RUR St. Ann
Cascade REM St. Ann
Cave Valley REM St. Ann
Cedar Valley RUR St. Ann
Chalky Hill RUR St. Ann
Clapham RUR St. Ann
Claremont RUR St. Ann
Clarksonville RUR St. Ann
Clay Ground RUR St. Ann
Clydesdale RUR St. Ann
Cole Gate RUR St. Ann
Concord RUR St. Ann
Culloden RUR St. Ann
Davis Town RUR St. Ann
Discovery Bay [AM Del] REG St. Ann
Discovery Bay [PM Del] REG St. Ann
Drax Hall REG St. Ann
Dunn's River REG St. Ann
Endeavour RUR St. Ann
Epworth RUR St. Ann
Ewart Town RUR St. Ann
Exchange REG St. Ann
Faith's Pen RUR St. Ann
Farm Town REG St. Ann
Fern Gully REG St. Ann
Forrest RUR St. Ann
Friendship RUR St. Ann
Gibraltar REM St. Ann
Gibraltar RUR St. Ann
Golden Grove RUR St. Ann
Green Park RUR St. Ann
Grierfield RUR St. Ann
Harmony Vale RUR St. Ann
Harrison Town REG St. Ann
Hassan Castle REM St. Ann
Helicon Village REG St. Ann
Higgin Land RUR St. Ann
Higgin Town RUR St. Ann
Hopewell RUR St. Ann
Hopewell Park REG St. Ann
Inverness RUR St. Ann
Keith REM St. Ann
Laughlands REG St. Ann
Laughton Town RUR St. Ann
Lewis REG St. Ann
Lime Hall RUR St. Ann
Lime Tree Garden RUR St. Ann
Linton Park RUR St. Ann
Lodge REG St. Ann
Lower Buxton RUR St. Ann
Lumsden RUR St. Ann
Lydford RUR St. Ann
Madrass REM St. Ann
Mammee Bay REG St. Ann
Middlesex RUR St. Ann
Mines RUR St. Ann
Moneague RUR St. Ann
Mount Moriah RUR St. Ann
Mount Zion RUR St. Ann
Murray Mountain REM St. Ann
Nine Mile REM St. Ann
Ocho Rios REG St. Ann
Pedro RUR St. Ann
Philadelphia RUR St. Ann
Phoenix Park RUR St. Ann
Pilot RUR St. Ann
Priory REG St. Ann
Queenhythe REG St. Ann
Retirement RUR St. Ann
Richmond REG St. Ann
Rio Hoe RUR St. Ann
Riverhead RUR St. Ann
Roadside RUR St. Ann
Runaway Bay REG St. Ann
Salem REG St. Ann
Salisbury RUR St. Ann
Scarborough RUR St. Ann
Show Meself Corner RUR St. Ann
St. Ann's Bay REG St. Ann
St. D'Acre RUR St. Ann
St. John's RUR St. Ann
Steer Town REG St. Ann
Steerfield RUR St. Ann
Stepney RUR St. Ann
Sturge Town RUR St. Ann
Tobolski REG St. Ann
Top Buxton RUR St. Ann
Walkerswood RUR St. Ann
Watt Town RUR St. Ann
White River REG St. Ann
Wild Cane RUR St. Ann
Woods Town REG St. Ann
York Town RUR St. Ann


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Trelawny
Town Type of Area Parish
Albert Town REM Trelawny
Barbecue Bottom RUR Trelawny
Bounty (Hall) RUR Trelawny
Braco [AM Del] REG Trelawny
Braco [PM Del] REG Trelawny
Bunkers Hill RUR Trelawny
Burnt Hill REM Trelawny
Calabar REG Trelawny
Carey Park REG Trelawny
Carrick Foyle RUR Trelawny
Clarks Town RUR Trelawny
Cockle Bar Point REG Trelawny
Coxheath RUR Trelawny
Deeside REM Trelawny
Dromilly RUR Trelawny
Duanvale RUR Trelawny
Dumfries RUR Trelawny
Duncans [AM Del] REG Trelawny
Duncans [PM Del] REG Trelawny
Falmouth REG Trelawny
Friendship RUR Trelawny
Granville RUR Trelawny
Green Park RUR Trelawny
Hague REG Trelawny
Hampden RUR Trelawny
Jackson Town RUR Trelawny
Joe Hurt REM Trelawny
Keith RUR Trelawny
Kinloss RUR Trelawny
Level Bottom RUR Trelawny
Lichfield REM Trelawny
Long Pond RUR Trelawny
Lowe River REM Trelawny
Mangrove Point REG Trelawny
Martha Brae REG Trelawny
Orange Valley RUR Trelawny
Perth Town RUR Trelawny
Rafting RUR Trelawny
Refuge RUR Trelawny
Rio Bueno [AM Del] REG Trelawny
Rio Bueno [PM Del] REG Trelawny
Rising Sun RUR Trelawny
Rock (District) REG Trelawny
Rock Spring REM Trelawny
Salt Marsh REG Trelawny
Samuels Prospect REG Trelawny
Sawyers REM Trelawny
Shawfield RUR Trelawny
Sherwood Content RUR Trelawny
Spicy Hill REG Trelawny
Spring Garden REM Trelawny
Spring Vale RUR Trelawny
Stettin REM Trelawny
Stewart Castle RUR Trelawny
Stewart Town RUR Trelawny
The Alps REM Trelawny
Troy REM Trelawny
Ulster Spring REM Trelawny
Wait-a-bit REM Trelawny
Wakefield RUR Trelawny
Warsop REM Trelawny
Waterloo REM Trelawny
Wemyss RUR Trelawny


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. James
Town Type of Area Parish
Adelphi RUR St. James
Amity Hall RUR St. James
Anchovy RUR St. James
Barrett Town RUR St. James
Bickersteth RUR St. James
Bogue REG St. James
Brandon Hill REG St. James
Bruce Hall RUR St. James
Cambridge RUR St. James
Catadupa REM St. James
Chatham RUR St. James
Chesterfield RUR St. James
Coral Gardens REG St. James
Flamstead RUR St. James
Flower Hill REG St. James
Granville REG St. James
Greenwood REG St. James
Guilsbro RUR St. James
Half Moon REG St. James
Hopeton RUR St. James
Ironshore REG St. James
Irwin RUR St. James
Jericho RUR St. James
Johns Hall RUR St. James
Kempshot REG St. James
Kensington RUR St. James
Lambs River REM St. James
Lima RUR St. James
Lottery RUR St. James
Maldon REM St. James
Marchmont RUR St. James
Maroon Town REM St. James
Montego Bay REG St. James
Montego Freeport REG St. James
Montpelier RUR St. James
Mount Carey RUR St. James
Moy Hall REG St. James
Niagara REM St. James
Point RUR St. James
Reading REG St. James
Roehampton RUR St. James
Rose Hall REG St. James
Rosevale Estate RUR St. James
Salem REG St. James
Salt Spring REG St. James
Seaford (Town) REM St. James
Seven Rivers RUR St. James
Sign RUR St. James
Somerton REM St. James
Spot Valley RUR St. James
Spring Mount RUR St. James
Stapleton RUR St. James
Sunderland RUR St. James
Watson Town RUR St. James
Wiltshire RUR St. James
York District REM St. James


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Hanover
Town Type of Area Parish
Alexandria RUR Hanover
Ashton REM Hanover
Askenish REM Hanover
Axe and Adze REM Hanover
Cascade RUR Hanover
Cash Hill RUR Hanover
Cauldwell RUR Hanover
Cave Valley RUR Hanover
Chester Castle RUR Hanover
Chigwell RUR Hanover
Cold Spring REM Hanover
Content RUR Hanover
Copse REM Hanover
Cousins Cove RUR Hanover
Davis Cove RUR Hanover
Dias RUR Hanover
Dolphin Head RUR Hanover
Elgin Town RUR Hanover
Flint River RUR Hanover
Georges Plain Mountain RUR Hanover
Glasgow RUR Hanover
Grange RUR Hanover
Great Valley REM Hanover
Green Island RUR Hanover
Haddington RUR Hanover
Harvey River RUR Hanover
Hopewell REG Hanover
Jericho RUR Hanover
Johnson Town RUR Hanover
Kendal RUR Hanover
Kew RUR Hanover
Kingsvale RUR Hanover
Lances Bay RUR Hanover
Lethe REM Hanover
Logwood RUR Hanover
Lucea REG Hanover
Marchtown RUR Hanover
Maryland RUR Hanover
Middlesex RUR Hanover
Miles Town RUR Hanover
Orange Bay RUR Hanover
Pointe RUR Hanover
Pondside REM Hanover
Ramble RUR Hanover
Rock Spring RUR Hanover
Round Hill REG Hanover
Salt Spring RUR Hanover
Sandy Bay REG Hanover
Santoy RUR Hanover
Shettlewood RUR Hanover
St. Leonards REM Hanover
Stonehenge REM Hanover
Tamarind Hill REG Hanover
Thompson Hill RUR Hanover
Tryall REG Hanover


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Hanover
Town Type of Area Parish
Albany REG Westmoreland
Alma RUR Westmoreland
Amity Cross RUR Westmoreland
Auchindown RUR Westmoreland
Bag REM Westmoreland
Banbury RUR Westmoreland
Barneyside RUR Westmoreland
Bay Road REG Westmoreland
Beaufort RUR Westmoreland
Beeston Spring REM Westmoreland
Belmont (Point) RUR Westmoreland
Bethel Town RUR Westmoreland
Blauwearie REM Westmoreland
Bluefields RUR Westmoreland
Bluefields Bay RUR Westmoreland
Bluff Point RUR Westmoreland
Bognie RUR Westmoreland
Brighton RUR Westmoreland
Bronte RUR Westmoreland
Broughton REM Westmoreland
Caledonia RUR Westmoreland
Cairn Curran RUR Westmoreland
Cave RUR Westmoreland
Clifton RUR Westmoreland
Content RUR Westmoreland
Cornwall Mountain REM Westmoreland
Culloden RUR Westmoreland
Darliston RUR Westmoreland
Delve Bridge RUR Westmoreland
Deleon Big Woods REM Westmoreland
Ducketts RUR Westmoreland
Dundee RUR Westmoreland
Enfield RUR Westmoreland
Ferris Cross RUR Westmoreland
Fort William RUR Westmoreland
Friendship Cross RUR Westmoreland
Frome RUR Westmoreland
Galloway (District ) RUR Westmoreland
Georges Plain RUR Westmoreland
Grange Hill RUR Westmoreland
Greenwich RUR Westmoreland
Haddo RUR Westmoreland
Holly Hill REM Westmoreland
Hopeton REM Westmoreland
Kentucky REM Westmoreland
Kilmarnoch REM Westmoreland
Kings Valley RUR Westmoreland
Knockalva RUR Westmoreland
Leamington REM Westmoreland
Lenox Bigwoods REM Westmoreland
Little Bay REM Westmoreland
Little London REG Westmoreland
Locust Tree RUR Westmoreland
Lost Beach REM Westmoreland
Mackfield RUR Westmoreland
Masemure RUR Westmoreland
Mearnsville RUR Westmoreland
Mint RUR Westmoreland
Morass RUR Westmoreland
Moreland Hill RUR Westmoreland
Mount Grace RUR Westmoreland
Negril REG Westmoreland
Negril Hill RUR Westmoreland
Negril Spots RUR Westmoreland
New Brighton RUR Westmoreland
New Hope REG Westmoreland
New Roads REM Westmoreland
New Works REM Westmoreland
Paul Island RUR Westmoreland
Pennycooke RUR Westmoreland
Petersfield RUR Westmoreland
Rat Trap RUR Westmoreland
Retreat RUR Westmoreland
Revival RUR Westmoreland
Savanna La Mar REG Westmoreland
Sheffield RUR Westmoreland
Smithfield REG Westmoreland
Springfield RUR Westmoreland
St. John's Point RUR Westmoreland
St. Paul's RUR Westmoreland
Struie RUR Westmoreland
Surinam Quarters RUR Westmoreland
Three Miles River RUR Westmoreland
Three Roads RUR Westmoreland
Torrington RUR Westmoreland
Truro Gate RUR Westmoreland
Wakefield REG Westmoreland
Waterworks RUR Westmoreland
Welcome REM Westmoreland
Whitehouse RUR Westmoreland
Whithorn RUR Westmoreland
Williamsfield RUR Westmoreland
Woodstock RUR Westmoreland


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in St. Elizabeth
Town Type of Area Parish
Aberdeen REM St. Elizabeth
Aberdeen House REM St. Elizabeth
Accompong REM St. Elizabeth
Appleton Estate RUR St. Elizabeth
Balaclava RUR St. Elizabeth
Ballards Valley RUR St. Elizabeth
Bamboo Avenue RUR St. Elizabeth
Baptist RUR St. Elizabeth
Barbary Hall RUR St. Elizabeth
Bartons RUR St. Elizabeth
Beacon RUR St. Elizabeth
Bellevue RUR St. Elizabeth
Big Woods RUR St. Elizabeth
Black River REG St. Elizabeth
Bogue RUR St. Elizabeth
Braes River RUR St. Elizabeth
Brighton RUR St. Elizabeth
Brinkley RUR St. Elizabeth
Brompton RUR St. Elizabeth
Bull Savannah RUR St. Elizabeth
Burnt Ground RUR St. Elizabeth
Burnt Savannah RUR St. Elizabeth
Carisbrook RUR St. Elizabeth
Cashew RUR St. Elizabeth
Cheapside RUR St. Elizabeth
Crawford RUR St. Elizabeth
Dry River RUR St. Elizabeth
Elderslie REM St. Elizabeth
Elim RUR St. Elizabeth
Emmaus RUR St. Elizabeth
Epping Forest RUR St. Elizabeth
Flagaman RUR St. Elizabeth
Font Hill RUR St. Elizabeth
Four Paths RUR St. Elizabeth
Frenchman REM St. Elizabeth
Fullerswood RUR St. Elizabeth
Fyffes Pen RUR St. Elizabeth
Gazeland RUR St. Elizabeth
Giddy Hall RUR St. Elizabeth
Ginger Hill REM St. Elizabeth
Goshen RUR St. Elizabeth
Great Bay RUR St. Elizabeth
Gutters RUR St. Elizabeth
Happy Grove RUR St. Elizabeth
Hermitage RUR St. Elizabeth
Hilltop RUR St. Elizabeth
Hodges (Sub Division) REG St. Elizabeth
Hodges Land RUR St. Elizabeth
Holland RUR St. Elizabeth
Hopeton RUR St. Elizabeth
Hounslow RUR St. Elizabeth
Ispwich REM St. Elizabeth
Ivor Cottage RUR St. Elizabeth
Jointwood RUR St. Elizabeth
Junction RUR St. Elizabeth
Kilmarnoch RUR St. Elizabeth
Knoxwood RUR St. Elizabeth
Lacovia RUR St. Elizabeth
LacoviaTombstone RUR St. Elizabeth
Lancaster RUR St. Elizabeth
Leamington RUR St. Elizabeth
Leeds RUR St. Elizabeth
Lewis Town REG St. Elizabeth
Lewisville RUR St. Elizabeth
Lilliput RUR St. Elizabeth
Long Hill RUR St. Elizabeth
Lovers Leap RUR St. Elizabeth
Luana RUR St. Elizabeth
Maggotty RUR St. Elizabeth
Malvern RUR St. Elizabeth
Malvern Well RUR St. Elizabeth
Marlborough RUR St. Elizabeth
Merrywood RUR St. Elizabeth
Middle Quarters RUR St. Elizabeth
Middlesex RUR St. Elizabeth
Mocho REM St. Elizabeth
Mocho RUR St. Elizabeth
Morningside RUR St. Elizabeth
Mount Pleasant RUR St. Elizabeth
Mountainside RUR St. Elizabeth
Mulgrave RUR St. Elizabeth
Myersville RUR St. Elizabeth
Nain RUR St. Elizabeth
New Forrest RUR St. Elizabeth
New Holland RUR St. Elizabeth
Newcombe Valley RUR St. Elizabeth
Newell RUR St. Elizabeth
Newmarket RUR St. Elizabeth
Newton RUR St. Elizabeth
Niagara REM St. Elizabeth
Northampton RUR St. Elizabeth
Oxford RUR St. Elizabeth
Park RUR St. Elizabeth
Parotee Beach RUR St. Elizabeth
Pedro Cross RUR St. Elizabeth
Pepper RUR St. Elizabeth
Pisgah RUR St. Elizabeth
Pondside RUR St. Elizabeth
Quick Step RUR St. Elizabeth
Raheen RUR St. Elizabeth
Red Bank RUR St. Elizabeth
Red Gate RUR St. Elizabeth
Retirement RUR St. Elizabeth
Retreat RUR St. Elizabeth
Rock Cliffe RUR St. Elizabeth
Rose Hall RUR St. Elizabeth
Rose Valley RUR St. Elizabeth
Round Hill RUR St. Elizabeth
Russells RUR St. Elizabeth
Salt Spring REM St. Elizabeth
Sandy Ground REG St. Elizabeth
Santa Cruz REG St. Elizabeth
Scholefield RUR St. Elizabeth
Sevens Corner RUR St. Elizabeth
Shalom RUR St. Elizabeth
Siloah RUR St. Elizabeth
Slipe REM St. Elizabeth
Southfield RUR St. Elizabeth
Springfield REM St. Elizabeth
St. Mary's RUR St. Elizabeth
Thornton RUR St. Elizabeth
Top Hill RUR St. Elizabeth
Treasure Beach RUR St. Elizabeth
Tryall RUR St. Elizabeth
Two Mile Wood RUR St. Elizabeth
Union RUR St. Elizabeth
Vauxhall RUR St. Elizabeth
Watchwell RUR St. Elizabeth
West Lacovia RUR St. Elizabeth
White Hill RUR St. Elizabeth
Whitehall RUR St. Elizabeth
Williamsfield RUR St. Elizabeth
Wilton REG St. Elizabeth
Windsor RUR St. Elizabeth
Y.S. RUR St. Elizabeth


REG - Regular
RUR - Rural
REM - Remote

Please see Where We Go in Manchester
Town Type of Area Parish
Albion RUR Manchester
Albion REG Manchester
Alligator Pond RUR Manchester
Asia RUR Manchester
Auchtembeddie RUR Manchester
Balcarres REG Manchester
Ballynure RUR Manchester
Banana Ground REG Manchester
Bellefield REG Manchester
Berkshire RUR Manchester
Bethany RUR Manchester
Blenheim RUR Manchester
Blenheim Town RUR Manchester
Broughton RUR Manchester
Butt Up RUR Manchester
Butt Up RUR Manchester
Buy Land RUR Manchester
Caines Stop REG Manchester
Chantily REG Manchester
Christiana REG Manchester
Chudleigh REG Manchester
Clandon REG Manchester
Clarks Town REG Manchester
Clifton REG Manchester
Cobbla REG Manchester
Coley Mountain RUR Manchester
Coleyville REG Manchester
Comfort REG Manchester
Comfort Hall REM Manchester
Craighead RUR Manchester
Cross Keys RUR Manchester
Dalys Grove RUR Manchester
Davyton REG Manchester
Devon REG Manchester
Downs RUR Manchester
Dump REG Manchester
Edgeware REG Manchester
Ellen Street RUR Manchester
Fairfield RUR Manchester
Fine Grass REG Manchester
Frankfield RUR Manchester
French Park REG Manchester
Georges Valley REG Manchester
Green Hill RUR Manchester
Greenvale REG Manchester
Grove Place REG Manchester
Grove Town RUR Manchester
Gut River RUR Manchester
Harmons RUR Manchester
Harry Watch RUR Manchester
Hatfield REG Manchester
Hermitage RUR Manchester
Huntley RUR Manchester
Johns Hall RUR Manchester
Kendal REG Manchester
Kirkvine REG Manchester
Knockpatrick RUR Manchester
Lancaster RUR Manchester
Lincoln RUR Manchester
Lititz RUR Manchester
Logwood RUR Manchester
Lorrimers RUR Manchester
Maidstone RUR Manchester
Malton RUR Manchester
Maningsfield RUR Manchester
Mark Post REG Manchester
Marlborough REG Manchester
Marshall Pen REG Manchester
May Day REG Manchester
Melrose REG Manchester
Mike Town RUR Manchester
Mile Gully RUR Manchester
Mizpah REG Manchester
Moravia RUR Manchester
Morley Hill RUR Manchester
Mount Oliphant RUR Manchester
Newport RUR Manchester
Norway REG Manchester
Old England RUR Manchester
Patrick Town REG Manchester
Pike RUR Manchester
Plowden Hill RUR Manchester
Porus REG Manchester
Pratville RUR Manchester
Preston District REG Manchester
Prospect RUR Manchester
Providence RUR Manchester
Pusey Hill RUR Manchester
Resource RUR Manchester
Rest Store RUR Manchester
Retrieve RUR Manchester
Richmond RUR Manchester
Robins Hall RUR Manchester
Rowes Corner RUR Manchester
Roxborough REG Manchester
Royal Flat REG Manchester
Rudd's Corner RUR Manchester
Salmon Town RUR Manchester
Sea Air RUR Manchester
Sedburgh REG Manchester
Skull Point RUR Manchester
Smithfield RUR Manchester
Somerset RUR Manchester
Spur Tree REG Manchester
St. Paul's RUR Manchester
Victoria Town RUR Manchester
Walde(r)ston REG Manchester
Warwick RUR Manchester
Whitby RUR Manchester
Wigton RUR Manchester
Williamsfield REG Manchester
Wind Hill REG Manchester
Windsor Forest RUR Manchester
Woodstock RUR Manchester